Addiction is a very big word, and in terms of self-sabatoge it can run the gamut of everything that we chatted about in the previous show, Part I of Thy Shall Remain Disciplined. (Listen to the podcast).

From over-eating to severe drug abuse, one element in common is the threshold of danger, danger that can damage any parts of the mind, body and the spirit.

During the holiday seasons, we have a tendency to minimize that danger for a few fleeting  moments of perceived holiday fun and sometimes get ahead of ourselves and our loose internal control over these destructive habits.

We start by bargaining with that inner voice, “Hey it’s the holiday season, just for now, I will indulge and get myself back on track after the first of the year.”

We let our guard down and that may have lasting consequences continuing way past the holiday season.

The featured guest on Change Already! with Jillian is Dr. Dalal Akoury from AWAREmed Health and Wellness Resource Center who is back to discuss the holiday season and addictions.