Coaching 18 years Head boys coach for 8 years Head girls coach for 6 years 4 years as assistant coach Currently entering year three as head coach at Gordon Lee High School in Chickamuaga, GA First job was Young Americans Christian School in Conyers, GA. Started off as student assistant coach at Toccoa Falls College Founder and Director of the United Basketball Clinics 

Throughout my nearly 21 years of coaching Coach Matt Smith always enjoyed attending coaching clinics and spending time with other coaches discussing the game and growing his knowledge. He began directing coaching clinics in Chattanooga, Tennessee because he wanted to improve the game locally and take advantage of the brilliant basketball minds already living in the area.  He wanted to see the best teachers of the game in the gym with basketball players, showing the concepts they were teaching.  So that is what he created and United Basketball Clinics was founded. The clinics are held on basketball courts where featured coaches and players demonstrate drills and concepts on the court.  Due to the success of those early clinics in Chattanooga, we are expanding our reach to regions around the country.  He hopes you will attend one of our United Basketball Clinics. Please contact him if you have any questions or suggestions on how we can make his clinics even better. 



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