Sven enjoys a Little Kings Cream Ale and a Snicker-doodle blizard with the newly formed Maps of the Midwest : Sarah Cramer and Taylor Loveall.  We talk about the song "Painted Trains" which was recorded live in the Blue Box Studio.

SONG: Painted Trains

ALBUM: Unreleased 

BANDS: Taylor: Bright Blue Mourning and Taylor Loveall (Solo) Sarah: Duke of Uke and His Novelty Orchestra, Dollypop, Relevator, Sleeping Okami

Favorite Treats: Sarah: Kombucha and DQ Snicker-doodle Blizzard Taylor: Little Kings Cream Ale and Cherry Pull 'n Peel Twizzlers

Photo credit: Sven


Dave King (Duke of Yuke)

Solo version of "Painted Trains"

The Rose Bowl Tavern

Loose Cobra

The Canopy Club

The City Center

The Great Coverup

Pygmalion Festival

Ryan Groff of Elsinore

Ryan Groff as Whitney Houston [Video]

The Iron Post

Dave Pride (The Fights, Primitive Lights)

Rebekah Songer Band

Cowboy Monkey [past music venue]

Garden of the Gods (Shawnee National Forest)

Kenna Mae (Ep. 13)



Tim McGee (Ep. 10)