In this bonus episode, we bid farewell to Heirship Records. Sven interviews Heirship Artists and fans of Heirship to talk about what Heirship and Isaac Arms has meant to them. 

Special thanks to everyone that interviewed with me:

Luke Bergkoetter - Withershins/Take Care/Marathon
Matt Mitchell - motes
Jake Metz - Total Asshole
Bryce Hays - Withershins/Dr. Responsible
Nick Foreman - Take Care
Mike Daab - Hot Cops!
Veronica Mullen - Ghoul Jr.
Scott Kimble - Terminus Victor
Seth Fein - Absinthe Blind/Headlights
Vivian McConnell - Grandkids/V.V. Lightbody
Neil Yeager - Withershins/Sunwise
Kurt Bielema - Kurt Bielema
Klevah - Mother Nature

You can find all of Heirship Records' releases at:

So much love for this record label, we will miss you.