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Part 2 of our episode with ADouble:

Discussed in this episode:

LL Cool J beats up a white intruder in his house in August 2012. "Accidental Racist" song gets released in April 2013: In August 2013 it gets announced "L Cool J won't be charged in fight with burglar in his Los Angeles home: LAPD" So the timeline becomes, (1) he beats this guy up, (2) does this song after, and (3) then it gets revealed later from an LAPD spokesperson that he was still facing the possibility of charges at the time he did the song.
Lee Daniels' issues with black people:
The Rough Night scene I mentioned with Zoe Kravitz The scene also appears in the red band trailer for the movie:
Denzel Washington "Denzel Washington: Don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'"
"Jay-Z says America is 'way more sexist than racist' during speech to young girl mid-concert"
"Armie Hammer on His Steamy New Movie, a Charmed Upbringing and Oscar's "Double Standards"" by Seth Abramovitch
The tweet exchange between me and Seth Abramovitch which I felt was a previous example of him being intellectually dishonest when discussing a racial historical comparison


This is a preview of a bonus premium episode. Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at This will not only give you access to this current premium episode you’re previewing, but also all the back premium episodes you may have missed as well and all future bonus premium episodes. Also, remember to review and rate the podcast in Itunes:…d1242690393?mt=2.

Part 2 of our episode with ADouble:

Discussed in this episode:

LL Cool J beats up a white intruder in his house in August 2012. “Accidental Racist” song gets released in April 2013: In August 2013 it gets announced “L Cool J won’t be charged in fight with burglar in his Los Angeles home: LAPD” So the timeline becomes, (1) he beats this guy up, (2) does this song after, and (3) then it gets revealed later from an LAPD spokesperson that he was still facing the possibility of charges at the time he did the song.
Lee Daniels’ issues with black people:
The Rough Night scene I mentioned with Zoe Kravitz The scene also appears in the red band trailer for the movie:
Denzel Washington “Denzel Washington: Don’t blame the prison system, ‘It starts at the home'”
“Jay-Z says America is ‘way more sexist than racist’ during speech to young girl mid-concert”
“Armie Hammer on His Steamy New Movie, a Charmed Upbringing and Oscar’s “Double Standards”” by Seth Abramovitch
The tweet exchange between me and Seth Abramovitch which I felt was a previous example of him being intellectually dishonest when discussing a racial historical comparison


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