This is a preview of a bonus premium episode. Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at This will not only give you access to this current premium episode you're previewing, but also all the back premium episodes you may have missed as well and all future bonus premium episodes. Also, remember to review and rate the podcast in Itunes:…d1242690393?mt=2.

This is a solo episode where I discuss something called The Arrogance of Dismissal. I got the term from an interview DJ Vlad did with Pras, formerly of the Fugees. It's a concept that describes why white people often fall prey to cultural phenomenons that are utterly predictable and avoidable, but keep making the same mistakes due to a blind spot in their analysis that comes from a cognitive bias created by white supremacy that keep them from learning from examples that involve nonwhite people

Discussed in this episode:

"How the Founder of the Fugees Became a Big-Time Political Donor Without Anyone Knowing"
Youtube interview: "Pras on Hillary Clinton Almost Interviewing with VladTV"
"White Families Are In Trouble Too" by Nicholas Eberstadt ""
"Hillary Clinton and the Populist Revolt: The Democrats lost the white working class. The Republicans exploited it. Can Clinton win it back?" by George Packer
"From Charlottesville To Athens, People Around The World Mourn Heather Heyer" by Tasbeeh Herwees

This is a preview of a bonus premium episode. Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at This will not only give you access to this current premium episode you’re previewing, but also all the back premium episodes you may have missed as well and all future bonus premium episodes. Also, remember to review and rate the podcast in Itunes:…d1242690393?mt=2.

This is a solo episode where I discuss something called The Arrogance of Dismissal. I got the term from an interview DJ Vlad did with Pras, formerly of the Fugees. It’s a concept that describes why white people often fall prey to cultural phenomenons that are utterly predictable and avoidable, but keep making the same mistakes due to a blind spot in their analysis that comes from a cognitive bias created by white supremacy that keep them from learning from examples that involve nonwhite people

Discussed in this episode:

“How the Founder of the Fugees Became a Big-Time Political Donor Without Anyone Knowing”
Youtube interview: “Pras on Hillary Clinton Almost Interviewing with VladTV”
“White Families Are In Trouble Too” by Nicholas Eberstadt “
“Hillary Clinton and the Populist Revolt: The Democrats lost the white working class. The Republicans exploited it. Can Clinton win it back?” by George Packer
“From Charlottesville To Athens, People Around The World Mourn Heather Heyer” by Tasbeeh Herwees