We welcome Shannon Strucci, an editor who runs the YouTube channel StrucciMovies and is currently working on a video essay series about parasocial relationships called FAKE FRIENDS. The latest installment of Fake Friends can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLA-uFKjQ-g

Mentioned in this episode:

"Dylan Sprouse And James Gunn Accused Jared Leto Of Creepiness On Twitter" http://dlisted.com/2018/05/17/dylan-sprouse-and-james-gunn-accused-jared-leto-of-creepiness-on-twitter/
Dave Bautista May Not Do Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Without James Gunn's Script https://io9.gizmodo.com/dave-bautista-may-not-do-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-3-1828138248
Director James Gunn Apologizes for Anti-Gay and Sexist Comments on Blog Post https://www.glaad.org/blog/director-james-gunn-apologizes-anti-gay-and-sexist-comments-blog-post
ArenaNet throw two Guild Wars 2 writers to the wolves https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/07/06/arenanet-throw-two-guild-wars-2-writers-to-the-wolves/
Guild Wars 2 writers fired following heated Twitter exchange with streamer https://www.pcgamer.com/amp/guild-wars-2-writers-fired-following-heated-twitter-exchange-with-streamer/?__twitter_impression=true
James Gunn’s firing shows we’re still living in the Gamergate era https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/2018/7/24/17599132/james-gunn-fired-gamergate-guardians-of-the-galaxy
On James Gunn, Fake Outrage and Letting The Bad Guys Win https://moviebobcentral.com/2018/07/23/on-james-gunn/
The Maniac Who Conquered Marvel https://www.buzzfeed.com/adambvary/james-gunn-guardians-of-the-galaxy?utm_term=.sl7QVRM56E#.pikgYro8Z5
The “controversy” over journalist Sarah Jeong joining the New York Times, explained https://www.vox.com/2018/8/3/17644704/sarah-jeong-new-york-times-tweets-backlash-racism

Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at patreon.com/champagnesharks.  If you can’t subscribe right now for whatever reason, do the next best thing and tell as many people as you know about the show.\
Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA ([email protected])

Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)

We welcome Shannon Strucci, an editor who runs the YouTube channel StrucciMovies and is currently working on a video essay series about parasocial relationships called FAKE FRIENDS. The latest installment of Fake Friends can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLA-uFKjQ-g

Mentioned in this episode:

“Dylan Sprouse And James Gunn Accused Jared Leto Of Creepiness On Twitter” http://dlisted.com/2018/05/17/dylan-sprouse-and-james-gunn-accused-jared-leto-of-creepiness-on-twitter/
Dave Bautista May Not Do Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Without James Gunn’s Script https://io9.gizmodo.com/dave-bautista-may-not-do-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-3-1828138248
Director James Gunn Apologizes for Anti-Gay and Sexist Comments on Blog Post https://www.glaad.org/blog/director-james-gunn-apologizes-anti-gay-and-sexist-comments-blog-post
ArenaNet throw two Guild Wars 2 writers to the wolves https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/07/06/arenanet-throw-two-guild-wars-2-writers-to-the-wolves/
Guild Wars 2 writers fired following heated Twitter exchange with streamer https://www.pcgamer.com/amp/guild-wars-2-writers-fired-following-heated-twitter-exchange-with-streamer/?__twitter_impression=true
James Gunn’s firing shows we’re still living in the Gamergate era https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/2018/7/24/17599132/james-gunn-fired-gamergate-guardians-of-the-galaxy
On James Gunn, Fake Outrage and Letting The Bad Guys Win https://moviebobcentral.com/2018/07/23/on-james-gunn/
The Maniac Who Conquered Marvel https://www.buzzfeed.com/adambvary/james-gunn-guardians-of-the-galaxy?utm_term=.sl7QVRM56E#.pikgYro8Z5
The “controversy” over journalist Sarah Jeong joining the New York Times, explained https://www.vox.com/2018/8/3/17644704/sarah-jeong-new-york-times-tweets-backlash-racism

Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at patreon.com/champagnesharks.  If you can’t subscribe right now for whatever reason, do the next best thing and tell as many people as you know about the show.\

Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA ([email protected])

Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)