Join Cheri Roberts WEDS, Aug. 24 @ 6pPDT/9pEDT w/ #CTR's social media manager Sue Shugarts and chat moderator Laura Moody to discuss the coming election, the  conspiracies surrounding it and the ideologies of those that fuel them.

According to a Pew Research survey last week, only 38% of Trump supporters believe their votes will be counted accurately, and only 49 percent of all registered voters are “very confident” their votes will be tabulated without error. Of course, we all remember Bush v. Gore.

"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."~ Joseph Stalin

You have questions and we have answers. Don't miss this show. 

Let's challenge the rhetoric!

Join us in the chatroom.

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This SHOW's HASHTAGS: #CTR - #Election2016 -  #ConspiracyTheories - #VoteNoEvil

No political endorsements. No corporate dollars. No hype. No lies.