No political endorsements. No corporate dollars, No hype. No lies.Meet the Press meets The View? Who knows, but it sounds like a great model to strive for!  

Join Cheri Roberts with special #theGRILL guest, former LAPD Narc Cop, Alex Salazar Wednesday @ 6pm PDT/9pm EDT for an engaging analysis of the current #PoliceBrutality and psychological problem rampant in America. Other popular #CTR segments include: #LiarOfTheWeek, #MusicJones & #EconRecon.

Please visit the CTR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER @CTRNewsFeed & #CTRMusicJones & YOUTUBE. Every $5 helps so please consider a donation to the maintenance of the show HERE.

*"Challenging the Rhetoric" is a registered, “Assumed Business Name” or ABN owned by Cheri Roberts. Cheri is a 20+year media veteran and freelance investigative journalist, popular blogger, business owner and social justice activist. She is also a long-standing member of the National Writers Union (NWU).