In this interview Daniel Dick talks about the convergence of consciousness and science.

About Daniel Dick

Daniel´s life has been full of changes, deep transformations and personal teachings in his private and professional life.

Daniel was born into a family in which spirituality and medicine has been a daily experience. He has been always in touch with the belief in the Go(o)d and with a tremendous curiosity. Extensive travel experiences, especially through South America, led him to discover the realms of Shamanism, Alternative Medicine and mystical experiences. Personal relationships and the destiny gave him some ruff teachings on life and death, which empowered his quest of creating meaning to life even more and arise a few times from the ashes. Daniel's professions have been in research and educational institutions related to system science, consciousness research, anthropology, holistic medicine, consultancy and management and sexual pedagogy.

Basically, his interests have been to make sense about experiences and human life, and to help others to move to a meaningful and healthy co-creation.

This led him to explore cultures, different spiritual paths, and holistic healing techniques as well as altered states of consciousness, such as intuition, meditation and trance. He explored Buddhist traditions, like Zen and Vipassana, Vajrayana, Mindfulness, and different kinds of shamanism and guided meditative practices. He has a fable for sacred or mythological texts like the bible, the Daodejing ...  and is as well-trained up to a Reiki Master.

Daniel's student life has been paralleled by feminist ideas, and emancipatory approaches. He got sensitized to sociopolitical environments and self-organization in education, especially in the University.

He organized several conferences and symposia as well as organizations self-organizing system principles.

Besides of that, he loves the peaks of the mountain, the waves of the sea, strong espresso, selected music and good time with friends and wine.


