We are back with Sean! He is such a great guy for coming on, went to Virginia Tech to become an engineer and raced there. Eventually becoming a beast and heading over to some other teams like Gateway Devo to now CS Velo. Just incase you did not know, he did the Everesting Challenge twice, going from the national record to the world record!

Disclaimer: I am sorry if I sound low, I tried something out and did not turn out well. At least Sean sounds great!

Mentioned Content:

Engineering career, Virginia Tech, college cycling, Gateway Devo, CS Velo, Everesting, and more!

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Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chainsgearspodcast/?ref=nf&hc_ref=ARShu25Wr5CLTiLrbWGT2Y7b3T0fT4hKInPfeueTY9j65DsD51rpbbZoySNVafdfZ_o

Sean Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sean_the_gardner/

Sean's Strava: https://www.strava.com/pros/1780717

CS Velo Racing: https://www.csvelo.com/

Everesting Challenge: https://everesting.cc/