Agi grew up in Budapest, Hungry, and went to the U.K. to volunteer. She ended up staying for a year then she met her now-husband, Jesse!  How does she navigate her life with a cross-cultural marriage and parenting three Third Culture Kids (TCKs) at home? How did Brexit shape her experience being a bilingual and bicultural person? She talks about some stories about her kids learning about cultures and languages.   Agi shares parenting resources for the benefit of all multicultural families and parents. Find her on IG @jesseandagirowe and more resources on @TCK.mama | Her podcast is called Home Anywhere. Search to listen! 

📝Some Takeaways 

➡️ Agi's journey of supporting TCKs: It takes efforts to immerse kids with parents' cultures, either it's language, food, or holidays. 

➡️ Challenges and some ideas around TCK parenting: Kids won't have the same cultural mindset as their parents. 

➡️ Ways to prepare kids before the move and support them socio-emotionally. 

➡️  Caring TCKs means taking care of the TCK parents first. Self-care is crucial! 

➡️ Family day is a great way to support each other.  If you like the topic of Third Culture Kid (TCKs), check out these episodes, 

🎧 Ep5 Homeschooled in China w/ Eber Condrell 

🎧 Ep41 Living in 5 Countries When Growing Up w/ Ken 

🎧  Ep48 Supporting Third Culture Kids w/ Tanya Crossman 

🎧 Chai with Ping x 香料茶時間 Podcasts 

👍 IG & FB @chaiwithping 

📧 [email protected] 

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