Steve is a doctoral candidate at the University of Denver where he studies social class and rural issue in higher education. He works for an EdTech company designing online courses and teaches research methods to online students. He lives in Denver, Colorado, USA, with his partner Mandell, his dog Kai, and thanks to the pandemic, a bunch of fish. I had the honor to listen to his stories of being a queer in the Higher Education field and I learned a lot from him. What are the experiences and challenges that he had?  | Find Steve: Twitter @sjenks352 or IG @centaurofattn |

📝Some Takeaways

➡️ Being physically further from family and older made things a bit safer and easier for Steve.   

➡️ There are limits for Steve to refrain to do in public like holding hands.  

➡️ Mental stress is a lot when going to new places.

➡️ The process of coming out. However, explaining racism and trans rights was more challenging for Steve. For Steve's dad, he didn't know what is right to say at first.

➡️ Some assumptions that Steve encountered and what we can think about. 

➡️  Tips for allies: use inclusive languages, let them choose the time to come out and tell their stories,  ask genuine questions, believe what they identify with, 

🎧 Podcast Details:

👍 IG & FB @chaiwithping

📧 [email protected]

#LGBTQ #pridemonth #queer #queerinhighereducation #highereducation #beingqueer #bisexual #pansexual #sexualorientations #sexualidentities #crosscultural #minorityissues #personalstories #underrepresentedissues #livedexperiences #移民播客  #immigrants #移民 #chaiwithping #香料茶時間 #跨文化  #dialgues #對話