Charles is an "ABC" (America-born Chinese) and his parents were from Taiwan. We talked about his experience in high school in California. Surprisingly, he also went to the buxiban (educational centers, 補習班). Unlike many other boys, he joined the marching band! He also shared his internships and educational aspects on high schoolers going into colleges. Are clubs, internships or volunteering experiences important? What was the most meaningful thing for Charles after he looked back? He may not be the aerospace expert now (XD) but he grew into a sincere and dedicated young man now! Definitely, my honor to know you, Charchar! | Find Charles on LinkedIn: | IG @charles.linberg |  Email: [email protected] | You might be interested to watch The College Admissions Scandal (2019) on NetFlix | 

📝Random Takeaways

✅ The buxiban Charles went to.

✅ What did those buxiban cover and support students for?

✅ The extracurriculars Charles did: marching band, color guard, Invention club

✅ What makes a student competitive in college admissions?

✅ The mini-dramas of pretense are universal!

✅ Charles found his identities and worth in his faith not in the college applications.

🎧 Chai with Ping 香料茶時間

👍 IG & FB @chaiwithping

📧 [email protected]

#highschooleducationinUS #collegeadmissions #collegeprep #educationalexperience #ABCinCalifornia #TaiwaneseAmerican #ChineseAmerican #buxiban #UCBerkeley #marchingband #colorguard #inventionclub #essaywriting #affluentfamilies #移民播客 #immigrantpodcast #immigrant #移民 #chaiwithping #香料茶時間 #podcast #播客 #minority


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