Alexi was adopted from China when she was nine months old. She's a special education teacher in an elementary. She also encourages her students with her dyslexia (in reading) and dyscalculia (in math). Her family and four other families went on vacations together throughout the years as a community. | Alexis' IG: @alexis_hallll

If you like similar content, here are the other two episodes in the Adoptees mini-series:

#57 Being Asian Adoptees in the U.S. w/ Sarah & Emily Quinn

#58 Challenging My Identities Constantly as A Korean Adoptee w/ Mitchell Stone 

📝Some Takeaways

➡️ Having an adoptive community growing up was helpful for Alexis.

➡️ Connecting to the cultural roots is important but it isn't always doable.

➡️ Sometimes when filling out the medical forms, adoptees can't really know their family conditions. It can feel unsettling.

➡️ Adoptees can ask more questions and find some answers. You're special and you're meant to be these families.   

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