In July of 2011, Jill Bearup posted an unassuming video of herself singing a beautiful acapella rendition of Want You Gone from Portal 2. She continued posting commentary and video essays about a wide range of pop culture, movie and tv topics including a popular series about stuff she likes called, Stuff You Like and a series on the history of fan fiction.

But her life would change when she saw The Last Jedi in the cinema and decided she wanted to learn how to fight like people in movies. So she took courses in stage combat and 18 months later started making videos about it. Her YouTube channel went from 23,000 subscribers to a silver play button in two months. And now,  just a year later, Jill’s channel has over 350,000 subscribers, it's her full time job, and she makes videos about stage combat, movie fights and murder dresses.

Jill Bearup is a testament to perseverance on YouTube. Keep cranking out quality content that you believe in and eventually, you can hit upon something that strikes a chord with a lot of people. Her content is fun, lively and informative…you can tell she loves what she does. And the best part? We get to learn about boob armor and how to hide a sword in a dress.


Chad & Steve Have A Podcast is hosted by Chad Reynolds and Steve Ramsey. This is where YouTubers share their stories. We interview a diverse range of content creators and learn more about the creator behind the content.

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