Onyi Udeh is a Los Angeles-based founder focused on using technology to help creatives tell their own stories through animation. He currently runs the largest animation community, Animation Club, in the world with 25k members; while building the first dedicated talent marketplace for animation services called ‘Pipeline’.

Onyi's past experiences include working for companies like Walt Disney Studios, Buzzfeed, and Apple. He also ran his own boutique animation studio, Kolanut Productions, which focused on telling stories rooted in African folklore.

He studied Information Technology at San Francisco State University and currently lives in Los Angeles


Highlights of the Episode:

0:00 Introduction

0:38 Introduction of guest

6:10 The Impact of Community

11:23 Keeping the Interest Alive

13:45 Falling Through Technology

30:01 The Pivotal Moments

36:52 How to Get on the Pipeline Platform

38:44 Where New Animators Should Start

45:12 Empowering the Community

58:22 How to Join Animation Club

108:47 Outro


Quotes: 3 quotes
“ I think not being, getting into visual effects specifically, and just the fact that you're not, you're not limited by the limitations of the real world.” - Onyi Udeh


“The gaming industry is expanding. And even a lot more animation talent, metaverse, you know, AR, VR, NFT, even education finance, everybody is kind of collectively looking for this talent.” - Onyi Udeh

“So for us, we saw this as a brilliant opportunity to build this animation ecosystem and truly democratize the process of animation. So anybody, no matter your background, your skill set could come on this platform and get a story told in animation.” - Onyi Udeh

“The gaming industry is expanding. And even a lot more animation talent, metaverse, you know, AR, VR, NFT, even education finance, everybody is kind of collectively looking for this talent.” - Onyi Udeh

“It's important to build those communities and those friendship and those networks because typically, once you have a great relationship and a friendship and you work with somebody, when they get an opportunity or a new project is coming up, tv, film or whatever recruiters typically ask, Well, who would you like to work with?” - Onyi Udeh

“People are now where visual effects was kind of people sitting on their own with headphones on, not interacting that much. This is now starting to change it to be more collaborative in real time. People actually work together more, which is great. And I think VFX artists love it. They kinda wanna be in the mix.” - Onyi Udeh


Connecting with the Guest:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/onyi-udeh-a570b032/

Website: https://pipelinebeta.splashthat.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceonchairman?lang=en


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Website: https://www.becomecgpro.com/

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