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CFL & Rider Fans,On 620 CKRM in ReginaReport Live from the Game #FinalPreSeasonGames #CutDownDay
Ottawa 32 -17 Toronto Calgary 39 -12 Saskatchewan British Columbia 34 - 21 CalgaryHamilton 30 - 15 Montreal#PlayersInNewPlaces
Zach Collaros went 0 and 8 last year and was 0 and 15 in his last 15 games in Hamilton. Was it an abberation?Former Eskimo Odel Willis has been impressive in BCAdarious Bowman leaves Esks for Winnipeg  leadership on offense could be a factorfor the Bombers do this season in the very tough Western Division.Loucheiz Purifoy is looking for an opportunity for stability in one position Ottawa. While he has flexibility it has hindered his ability to be major factor for BC last year.Derek Dennis back in Calgary after a year in SaskCharleston Hughes moves from Calgary to Saskatchewan.James Franklin in Toronto has not won the the #2 QB depth chart position and why?Chris Williams / Ernest Jackson spent disapointing years last year, unable to show their dependable sticky hands and quick feet. Montreal could really use these 2 to show they still have it.Noel Thorpe, not a player but Defensive Coordinator brings his abilities from Montreal to Ottawa.#InjuryConcerns#SeasonPredictions#NewCflPresentations?