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Argo GM and Coach hires not scheduled as yet.

Schedule (Trevor Hardy) Optimization Software (Exel Plugin) Garobe competitive balance optimization.

The CFL believes the comptitiveness of the Games drives the ratings and gate receipts.

2017 starts with the Grey Cup Rematch,

Canada Day has (New Mosaic) western (Rider preference) Winnipeg,

10 teams would make it much easier and streamline the season.  

Odd number of games in Week 5, Ottawa plays twice that week.

Ottawa on Canada Day did not happen due to the myriad of events happening in our capital.

Ottawa has a busing commitment and there were not enough buses on Canada Day. Ottawa did not want the game on Canada Day either.

Darian Durant the Alouette has the Riders in Montreal to open the Season. Alouette Darian The trade was made after the schedule was created.

Saskatchewan versus Montreal is one of the biggest TV Ratings matchups historically.

Back to back games were avoided as much as possible. 10 in total.

Difficult to Schedule: BC and Toronto venues are busy.

The most difficult is actually the Winnipeg Blue Bombers because of their time zone. Schedule on a weeknight double header with Winnipeg because they are not either in the East or Western Time Zone.

All 9 PreSeason games are on TV

Canada Day July 1st banjo bowl preview, not Ottawa

Labour Day games

BC not involved

Battle of Quebec Ottawa in Montreal

Banjo Bowl Winnipeg in Saskatchewan

Battle of Alberta: Edmonton in Calgary

The Labour Day Game: Toronto in Hamilton

Thursday Football games are played until week 11, not a big fan. Tailgating takes a hit. Late game on a week night for the East and early games for the West.

Week 5 only Wednesday Game

No Tuesday Games