FANS: Walter Day, the father of esports and founder of Twin Galaxies, discusses his travels at age 70 and the ceremonies related to The Walter Day Collection, the trading card series he debuted in 2011, which has now reached over 3,000 cards and serves to document the history of gaming, its records and other facets of pop culture. We touch upon the importance of podcasting in chronicling history, the character Walter inspired in Wreck-It Ralph (2012), and we get Walter’s thoughts on several cult classic films inspired by video games.

FILMS: “Possible Donkey Kong kill screen coming up!” We discuss our first documentary on CF3, the critically-acclaimed The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007) with one of its featured participants, Walter Day. We discuss the film’s legacy and impact, narrative inaccuracies, and the classic hero vs. villain setup before seeing if we can help it set the high score on the Cultfilmometer.

FINDS: NBC’s streaming service teases its Saved by the Bell revival, Womp Stomp Films launches their crowdfunding campaign for Never Hike in the Snow—the Friday the 13th fan film sequel, and more!