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TNG's beginning

Is it possible to view something from long ago in the Trek canon as a new viewer might? The trio attempt to make the old come to life again by re-examining the pilot episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation."

It is hard to begin a Star Trek series re-watch. Which one? Where to start? Do you go 20th or 21st Century shows? After a mix of picking their own series recently, the trio come together for a TNG rewatch. That means starting with that two-hour special "Encounter at Fairpoint." The introduction of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, its crew, the look and feel of the 24th Century ... and Q! There is a lot to take in, even if we ultimately know what production approaches (and characters) don't make it very far. 

They try to imagine all questions and mysteries this first episode would bring to either a new viewer or die-hard TOS fan. So join them and revisit 1987 with the re-birth of a Star Trek TV series!