Next Episode: Episode 253-H

Not sure what really to write about this one, so here's the lyrics, to speak for themselves I guess...:



So tired

so tired like the yellowed cutting blades of grass

our city council grows right by the ocean

so there’s soft fall for the kids

climbing up these English trees all knotted skin

watching over the families

with eskies full of sadness and anger

cigarettes and love disaster

all the people breathing

and out

so still

so focussed fully on my paper plate

my eyes

are wide and white like maybe I am ill

my knife and fork

sunk in my face

a pale white plastic moon

that cannot look

on you

nor shine down any kind of light on

the families with

their eskies full

of endless anger and sadness

She dangles softly in the sky

long sleeves in gripping fingers

indicating she has understood the night

a pale white plastic moon

a pale white plastic moon is crashing down

I hope you’re well

I hope you last a little longer than

the feeling

than the feeling

than the feeling

of breathing in and out

Thanks for listening, here's a video/drawing that goes with the tune: