A cerebral (palsy) conversation with Lia Sintras, Cerebral Palsy Alliance (CPA) client and Kosciuszko conqueror.

Lia has lived with cerebral palsy since she was just a year old, which hasn’t stopped her for a moment. From climbing Mount Kosciusko to walking into her end of school formal (after over 500 hours of training no less), Lia knows better than most that – as she puts it – “Nothing is impossible. You just need to find people that make it possible.”

Lia takes us through the challenges and highlights of her school years, the importance of finding champions to back you, and what she’s working on to advocate inclusion for everybody who lives with a disability.

Cerebral Conversations is proudly created by the team at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance to tackle the big issues around disability and find out what happens when great minds think differently. Find out more at cerebralpalsy.org.au/cerebralconversations