On this episode of The Podcast Podcast, we discuss the one thing you MUST remember: at the end of the day, your podcast has nothing to do with you, boo. Instead, it’s ALL about your dream client!  So what does it look like to create a podcast that treats your dream client like the queen (or king) they are?


Your podcast title matters!  You want a title that attracts your ideal client Tailor your episode content to your dream clients! Consider your products & what you can help them with, & also consider what your clients need to hear to trust and invest with you. Map your clients journey for each launch, this allows you to reverse engineer your content for your podcast. DO NOT give away all your knowledge for free - it doesn’t do anyone any good!


When you really take the time to plan this content, your conversions are gonna be soooo much higher level. You're gonna connect with people on a much deeper level. More people are gonna talk about your podcast because you're really addressing what they need to hear and feel and know.  So, the next time you get ready to hit record, just remember to put yourself in your ideal clients shoes and really focus on what they need from you & your content.


Until next time, thanks for listening!


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