It’s time to kick off the Embrace Your CEO PWR Series for this month!!!

That means extra episodes available for you to tune into, extra opportunities to binge all the amazing content, AND extra value for you & your business going into 2022.

I am featuring our favorite service providers and resources for coaches, course creators & service-based entrepreneurs.

It can be so hard to find people who you can really trust to help you in your business! So each week I will spend one episode talking with each of our guests about their areas of expertise, PLUS I’ll be coming back with a bonus episode to give you an inside look at our experience in working with these amazing people.

Listen to the full episode to hear more about my plans for this series, as well as a sneak peek into our November guest list! And I cannot wait to share all of these value-packed episodes to help you Embrace Your CEO PWR!!!

If you’re as excited about this series as I am, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories and tag me, @ceopwr

And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me all of your favorite takeaways over the coming weeks!




