Today, I want to talk to you about the difference between traditional podcasting and what we teach our clients at Profitable Podcast Productions - holistic podcasting. In episode 31 of The Podcast Podcast, we are diving into the benefits of a holistic approach with your podcast, and why a traditional approach won’t serve your business in the long run.


In this episode of The Podcast Podcast, I’m sharing a breakdown of the traditional podcast approach and why you should stop using this approach as you grow your podcast. Some of the talking points we go over in this episode include:


A breakdown of what the traditional podcast approach is. When we create content for the sake of creating content, a lot of times we’re distracting our audience. When you follow the holistic podcast approach, it helps you maximize online presence on all platforms.


When we focus on creating content and leaning in towards a holistic podcast approach, your brand will have the next level cohesiveness. Everything will be layered together and work together powerfully for you. For more details, be sure to check out the full episode.


Thanks for listening!


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Profitable Podcast Collaborative

Work with Tara!