Is podcasting just a long game and a long-term strategy? I’m answering that exact question in this week’s episode of The Podcast Podcast. And spoiler alert, but I’m also going to share three golden points on how you can leverage your podcast for your long term - AND SHORT TERM - strategies.


This podcast will reveal the truth about the limiting belief that podcasting is just for long term strategy. Specific topics that will be divided into include:

How and why podcasting is exactly what you make it out to be Strategies for leveraging your podcast in a way that works for YOU and your biz The importance of showing up consistently (and no, you will not suffocate your audience)


If you’re wondering whether a podcast is the right choice for your business, be sure to take a listen to this podcast. By the time you finish this episode, I’m sure you’ll feel empowered and free from the limiting stigmas surrounding podcasts, and you will know how you can get both long-term and short-term benefits from podcasting!


Until next time, thanks for listening!

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!




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Work with Tara!