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Can you believe that it is already day FOUR of the Connection that Converts Challenge?! Woah this week has flown by!

This week we have begun to uncover who it is that you are actually talking to, learned the focus of putting content where they can ACTUALLY consume & connect with it, and of course, getting a little strategic when it comes to planning your launches & prepping your audience. 

There are a few things that we see happening in the industry that we hope to help you avoid! Here are the three biggest mistakes we see when it comes to creating Connection that Converts:

1. Focusing on micro-content vs macro content. It can be easy to create day by day, or brain dump a list of topics that you can always pull from but when it comes to connection that converts it is actually easier to create bigger and then break it up into smaller content that takes your audience on a journey with you. This will help you to have a cohesive message within all of your content and not confuse your audience. If they loved the topic, the belief flip, the reframe then you can have them go even deeper in the transformation by pointing them to the biggest form of macro content! 

It may seem like a lot of sit down and map out your launches, define your purpose, your ideal client, and begin to investigate what beliefs that you need to debunk...but in the long run what is actually a lot? Some planning, strategy, and sales or just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping one day something sticks?! 

2. Feeling like they can't focus on macro content until their income hits a certain level. Okay, let's get really, really real here. Are you ready? One of the BIGGEST and most harmful beliefs in your business, and pursuing your purpose is the belief that you have to be at a certain income level for people to connect to your macro content and take you seriously. Especially when it comes to podcasting we hear it all the time. "I have not hit six figures yet, when I do THEN I will start my podcast." 

Did you know that people are more likely to buy from you if they hear your voice? It is true and I track it back in my own buying habits. The only time I invest is when I have consistently heard the coach/course creator/service providers voice and connected with them. I don't care about how their social media profiles look, how many followers they have, the list goes on and on. But if I can HEAR what they are saying (while not having to sit down and actively watch a FB live) they've got me. 

So what if instead of waiting until you hit a magical (and totally made up) I made it moment to connect deeper with your audience you did it NOW? You decided to stop letting number barriers effect how you show up. Don't you think you would build more connections that actually convert to sales! 

3. Focusing on audience size vs high level of service for who is already there. "I don't have enough followers to start a podcast. Once I hit 10k... or insert whatever block comes to mind THEN I will start one. I know it will be impactful for my business but until I hit those larger numbers it is pointless." Again see above. 

What if you showed up for your "small" (whatever that means) audience now the way you would show up and serve a large audience? Wouldn't that mean more clients, more impact, and more transformations? Again it's human nature to believe that in order for something to be effective it has to be big. 

It's not true - and I'm not saying this as some podcast "guru" (eww) just trying to talk you into the platform. I am talking from experience. My latest podcast JUST crossed over 1k downloads. And you know what? Every week when we drop an episode it results in booked sales calls for management, purchases from our attached funnels, ideal dream clients ending up in my DMs where I can connect with them more. I was able to grow a 6 figure business with 1500 Instagram followers. If I can do it so can you, and I am living proof that those things that keep us small don't mean sh*t!

Vanity numbers not only block you from success but they keep your audience waiting for something more. Waiting to connect with you deeper. Waiting for the transformation you can help them with. My coach Jen Casey frequently talks about how selfish it is to keep ourselves small - and it is so true. You are robbing them from does that feel?

Your Day Four Assignment:

No workbook today! But I did send a journaling exercise via email!  You can subscribe here if you have not yet registered yet!  Post your biggest takeaways into The Profitable Podcast Collaborative - use the hashtag #CTCDAY4 so that I can find them and connect with you! 

Excited for your belief breakthroughs!