In the second episode of The Podcast Podcast, I share six super powerful reasons why a podcast is the ultimate secret weapon to marketing your biz and reaching your dream clients.  So if you want to upgrade your biz’s marketing plan in 2020, here are six reasons why launching a podcast will help you do just that!


Podcasts are INSANELY popular Your target audience is busy 24/7 (but even they will listen to a podcast while to work, cook or clean!) Podcasts are more bingeable than Netflix (REALLY!) Podcasts are long-lasting Podcasts can create strong, trusting relationships with your audience Podcasts are shareable


By the end of this episode you will understand how podcasts can put you and your business at a major advantage for reaching your audience and creating a strong AF relationship.  Let me know in the comments: if you have a podcast now, which of these benefits has helped your biz the most? And if you don’t have a podcast but want to make one, which of these benefits are you most hoping to experience?


Thanks for listening!


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Profitable Podcast Collaborative

Work with Tara!