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If you're using your podcast to promote, market to, and engage your listeners (or want to start a podcast that does!) this episode is for you. 

Yes, the title of this podcast is a strong one. But that's because we wholeheartedly believe this truth. If you are showing up the night before your podcast is supposed to be published, popping on for 10 minutes and uploading or sending to the editor and keeping your fingers crossed. If you go back and listen to your last 5 episodes there is going to be a lack of consistency and strategy. 

If you approach your podcast with the energy of "I've got to get this done now" vs. "I get to show up to my community with intention and serve them in the specific ways they need" which do you think will provide a better outcome for your community and your connection with them?

Your intention should be at the forefront of everything you do in your business. If you approach your podcast in the same way, you can use it as a tool that affects your long game. Not a checkmark on your to-do list. 

