Episode #034 - On today’s episode of the podcast I had the pleasure of speaking to Drew Dudley. Drew is an internationally acclaimed leadership speaker, Wall Street Journal bestselling author and the creator of the renowned TED talk “Everyday Leadership”.

Drew’s clients have included some of the world’s most well know organisations, including McDonald’s, Proctor & Gamble, JP Morgan Chase, so he definitely walks the walk.

Somewhere around the middle of his undergraduate education, Drew realised engaging with the world was a lot more fun than writing papers about it.

As he moved into his career, he took on the challenge of creating and building the Leadership Development Program at the University of Toronto, which became the largest and most dynamic in the country.

It was those leadership students who changed the course of Drew’s professional life: they secretly organised a campaign to put him onstage at TEDxToronto 2010, where he delivered a talk that would go on to generate more than 5 million views around the internet.

A high-achieving lifestyle took its toll however: undiagnosed bipolar disorder set the foundation for binge eating and drinking, and Drew grew to over 300 pounds while struggling with the emotional challenges of a career that kept him on the road 250 days a year. 

Recognising how many people were struggling silently with similar battles, Drew began infusing these experiences into his keynotes, hoping to remind people that their scars in no way stand in the way of their leadership.

I can’t wait for you all to hear what Drew has to say so without any further ado, lets dive straight into the episode, enjoy.

I hope you enjoy this episode of CEO Journals.


For more info about Drew visit: www.drewdudley.com

Follow Drew on social media: @DAYONEDREW

Follow me on Instagram: @CEOJOURNALS / @ETHANBRIDGE_
