Episode #039 - Companies of all sizes know they need to attract and retain an engaged audience, or as we now know it, a "tribe"​. These are the customers and clients who will be evangelists. Your biggest fans. With you through thick and thin, because they know what you stand for, they know what you do, and they know why you're the best at it.

As times move quickly, and audiences can be easily distracted by "shiny new things"​ it is more important than ever to stand tall in your values - the reason your tribe was attracted to you to begin with. Don't fall victim to the newest trends just because you have a sense of urgency or the itch to pivot.

Return to your roots. Remember your voice. Remember your purpose; the reason you started all this to begin with.

These are the words of today’s guest on the podcast Brian Schulman, the CEO and Founder of voice your vibe. Brian is a Forbes featured entrepreneur and was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in 2018 as well as one of the platform’s top video creators.

In this episode we discuss the importance of building a community and how this is made possible through brand storytelling. Having amassed over 43,000 followers on LinkedIn we also discuss how the platform has propelled his career.

I hope you enjoy this episode of CEO Journals


Get the FREE LinkedIn jumpstart course: https://linkedinmasterclass.thinkific.com/

Schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation: https://calendly.com/voiceyourvibe

Be sure to connect with Brian on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianschulman/

Follow me on Instagram: @CEOJOURNALS / @ETHANBRIDGE_
