Jeff Lindsay is one of the most prolific people in the Docker ecosystem. He not only wrote Dokku and contributed to Flynn, two of the most popular Docker PaaS technologies out there, but he is busy creating technologies right now that we are all likely to adopt within the next 6-12 months. Here are just a few of the questions I ask him in this week's geeked out podcast.

* Can you talk about your contributions to Flynn and how these projects interact with Flynn?

* Can you talk to us about ambassadord? (just released)

* Can you explain Consulate and Consul for people who might not be familiar with those projects?

* Does this interact with libchan at all? can you explain libchan to our audience?

* You are also working on Duplex, which is similar to libchan. What is Duplex and who should us that?

* How does libchan play into Duplex, isn’t libchan supposed to kind of be an RPC itself?

* Tell us about Manifold. What is it and who should use it?

* How is Manifold different than Mesos and Fleet?

* How does libswarm play into Manifold?

* What other projects are exciting to you right now and why? (Configurator)

* What’s next for Dokku?

* What do you think the future of Docker is?