This week, we are interviewing the leader of CoreOS, their CEO Alex Polvi and their CTO Brandon Philips. We got to ask them some great questions and learn a lot about the project.

Tell us about your background

Tell us about CoreOS

Who should use CoreOS?

How is CoreOS different than other minimal Linux distributions?

How is web app development on CoreOS different than setting up a traditional LAMP app?

What is the largest known/tested CoreOS cluster?

What do you think about all the systemd controversy in the Linux community?

Can you explain fleet and how to manage multi-server CoreOS clusters?

Can you explain the innovative way CoreOS updates itself?

Can you talk about what SkyDNS’s new etcd integration does to service registration?

How will CoreOS make money?

What are the biggest problems in real-life Docker adoption today for organizations?

What do you think of Deis and Flynn?