In this episode, Alex looks at the United States’ continuous problems that involve providing a sufficient amount of “at-home” COVID tests. Later he goes over his worries regarding Biden’s “Trump-like speech” in Georgia, and why it may alienate a slim majority that Biden is holding onto. Finally, Alex looks into the Trump vs. DeSantis feud and why it is more important than some may acknowledge. Alex mentions that everyone focuses on DeSantis’ COVID policies, but DeSantis could be worse than Trump. Alex is more concerned about his calls for a “civilian-military” that reports to the governor, not the pentagon. He also is worried about DeSantis’ “anti-riot law” which was a response to the George Floyd protests, yet completely ignores the January 6th situation. DeSantis could be a good alternative to Trumpism, but instead, he seems to be accelerating the authoritarian tendencies of Trump.