In this weekend episode, Alex starts by asking “what happened to Michael Flynn?” by going over a new article that delves into this topic. Flynn seems to have gone from a skilled intelligence officer to a crazy MAGA start. 

Then Alex goes over the political and economic chaos occurring in Sri Lanka and why this could be a harbinger for things to come for other countries. Political and economic mismanagement have made the country a failed state and while the government blames the pandemic, the issue seems more complex. Sri Lanka owes China more than $5bn in debt and according to the BBC, took an additional $1bn loan from Beijing last year to help with its acute financial crisis. In 2022, it will need to repay over $7 billion in domestic and foreign debt. Now there is a massive crunch in fuel, food, and power; people are starving, dying, and angry. As inflation and supply issues have intensified because of the war in Ukraine, Alex worries this scenario could happen in other countries. 

Finally, Alex gives his case for why Donald Trump should appear on the Joe Rogan Experience. Recently, Rogan was asked if he would reconsider having Trump on the JRE and Rogan said that “I’ve said no every time, I don’t want to help him, I’m not interested in helping him.” Alex disagrees with this statement and thinks that the opposite could be true.