In this episode, Alex starts with his thoughts on Juneteenth. Then he goes over some highlights from the January 6th hearings. He feels that the testimonies from people like William Barr, Ivanka Trump, and Bill Stepien were necessary but too late. These people were cowards who waited too long and still are prospering off of the Trump grift. Alex also discusses how new revelations show that the mob came within 40 feet of Mike Pence and had a plan to kill him. 

In the main part of the episode, Alex gives an update on the war in Ukraine. Russia’s war of attrition seems to be working as Ukrainian forces are being outgunned and are losing morale. Also, NATO’s chief, Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, has warned that the West should prepare for a war that will last years. Alex worries that the fragmented west, along with a collapsing global economy, could lead to a populist/isolationist backlash in places like the US, France, and Germany. He ends by discussing how India, a close ally of Russia, and an enemy of China, should be utilized in helping foster negotiations. The United States should also work to get India off of its dependence on Russian weapons.