In this throwback episode from June 2021, Alex sits down with Jon Friesen, an old friend. Jon grew up around firearms and was taught at a young age to give them the utmost respect and responsibility. From competition shooting in high school to eventually serving in the US Navy as a Master at Arms(Military Police), he carried a firearm on a daily basis and has a broad understanding of many weapon systems. 


As of April 30, 2021, there were 178 mass shootings that fit the Mass Shooting Tracker project criterion. This left 206 people dead and 693 injured. Over the month of May, it looks like the trend has only been getting worse. Alex uses this opportunity to have a discussion with Jon around shootings in the U.S., gun control, and how Americans can help change this issue. Jon debunks several myths about guns that many gun control advocates may believe. The two also debate and at times disagree over the meaning of the Second Amendment, gun culture in the U.S., and the efficacy of “red flag laws,” and personal responsibility versus societal safety. The two don’t agree all the time, but it hopes to be an informative back and forth discussion!