The NFL is back, but Alex cannot spend too much time celebrating because the world has experienced a crazy week. He starts by discussing the aftermath of Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan — China fired over a dozen Dongfeng series ballistic missiles into the waters north-east and south-west of Taiwan’s main island. While China claimed these were “exercises”, Taiwan has responded and many countries have condemned the actions. Alex goes over whether this is a test-run for how China could seal off the island during an invasion. Next, tensions have hit a low since the 1990s between Serbia and Kosovo. Ethnic Serbs still live in a region in Northern Kosovo and the Kosovar government has tried to allow that region some idnependence. However, the government has now passed new laws involving license plates and entry-exit border policies for Serbians. This had led to protests, road blocks, and literal shots being fired. This is problematic because Serbia still does not recognize Kosovo as a country and Alexsander Vucic, Serbia’s strongman leader, has close ties to Putin and has been referred to as “little Putin.” Alex worries that this could become another conflict over territories that has been exagerated by grievance-laced strongmen like Putin, Orban, and now Vucic. Finally, Alex looks into the trial of Alex Jones involving his lies about the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting. Jones will have to pay $4.1 million to the victims. Is this the end of InfoWars?