In this episode, Alex goes over five of what he deems “the most important” reflections from 2021. Then he goes over his five predictions for 2022. 

His five reflections from 2021 are:  

The Supply Chains Issues & What This Means for Globalization
Ethiopia’s Horrific Civil War
Democracy is Backsliding in the US and Abroad
Under PM Mario Draghi, Italy is Recovering
Joe Biden Showed Us That He Alone Can’t Fix This

His give predictions for 2022 are: 

The GOP Will Adopt Federal Legalization of Marijuana as a Platform (and it could hurt Democrats)
Electric Vehicles Will Take Off
The Private and Public Sector Will Be Forced to Deal With the Great Resignation
The Younger Generations Will Demand Change (on both the right and the left)
Russia’s Encroachment on Ukraine May Backfire