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Theme for 2019:  Spirituality in Action

June's Theme: Empowerment

Affirmation for June

I protect the vulnerable.

This month’s Recommended Reading:

A New Republic of the Heart by Terry Patten

"What we have here is possibly the finest example of the making of the possible human, and with this, the development of a possible world."
—Jean Houston, PhD, author of A Passion for the Possible

"Patten clarifies how our wicked problems require us to grow beyond debate, one-upmanship, and other non-communication, to talk and listen in new ways. He's right on the mark—we must reknot our social fabric—our collective future requires it."
—Joan Blades, cofounder of and Living Room conversations
 365 Science of Mind — A Year of Daily Wisdom
is the overall theme book for 2019 SPIRITUALITY IN ACTION
Here, in a companion to the classic The Science of Mind, 
is a year of daily meditations from beloved spiritual leader Ernest Holmes.

 Books available from Stepping Stones Books & Giftsin the store and online with free shipping

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa