This episode was originally published as a blog post entitled "Understanding CCI Measurements vs. Instability" at 

Craniocervical instability is a very misunderstood concept because it’s been made so complex with different measurements and aggressive treatments. Hence, I’ll be writing a series of blogs to try to help patients understand various concepts. Today’s entry is about how CCI measurements relate to instability.

What is Cranial Instability?

Craniocervical instability has many names including CCI, AAI (atlanto-axial instability), CCJ instability (cranciocervical junction), etc…The basic concept is that the ligaments that hold the head on to the spine have become loose and there is too much motion of the head on the neck (1). Note that CCI stands for Craniocervical INSTABILITY, meaning that this is a movement-based concept. This extra movement can cause everything from pressure on the lower brain, brainstem, and spinal cord to irritated nerves, beat up upper neck joints, and damaged tendons.....

Published by Centeno-Schultz Clinic
Read by Chris Centeno, MD

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