Originally from a blog post entitled, "The Aging Athlete Series: The Core Before Everything (Episode 3)"

This is my weekly “Aging Athlete Series” tip. This series is for people in their 30’s and up who want to stay active as they age. Those who want to be that guy or gal who is in their 70’s or 80’s who are still doing cool active stuff. This is my third episode: The Core Before Everything.


The Problem?

Lots of middle-aged and older people get hurt when they join a gym or cross-fit class. In my experience, this often happens because they’re not working on the core first. The core is made up of those muscles that stabilize and support the spine and trunk. Without a strong core, the extremities have a poor base of support which leads to injuries.

Here’s a simple visual to get a sense of how critical your core muscles are. How does lifting 30 pounds over your head on the shore compare to lifting the same weight while standing in the middle of a small rowboat? You might imagine that doing that while stabilizing yourself and preventing yourself from falling into the water would be tough, even risky. The difference is the intrinsic stability of the shore versus the boat. Your core is the same. Lifting weights or doing cross-fit with a weak core is also a prescription for a similar disaster.....

Published by Centeno-Schultz Clinic
Read by Chris Centeno, MD

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