Originally published as a blog post entitled "C1-C2 Fusion – Complications are Common (Episode 3)."

C1-C2 fusion is all the rage among patients with CCI. So what is it and what are the side effects? Should you get a C1-C2 fusion? Let’s dig in.

What is CCI?

Craniocervical instability or CCI is when the upper neck levels of the spine are unstable (1). This is usually C1-C2, but can also be C0-C1. There are a number of strong ligaments that hold this area together which can be injured or loose and there are a slew of measurements used to determine if CCI is present. Common symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, imbalance, upper neck pain, visual disturbances, rapid heart rate, and various pains elsewhere, just to name a few...

Published by Centeno-Schultz Clinic
Read by Chris Centeno, MD