Originally from a blog post entitled, "Aging Athlete Series: Vastus Lateralis Trigger Point Release (Episode 7)"

If you’re an aging athlete, you have loads of trigger points. You know what I mean, that small groan you release when you get up from a chair. One of the most problematic areas for all aging athletes is the ITB, yet most of us have no idea why this spot is always tight and that it has to do with a muscle called the vatus lateralis. Hence, today we’ll cover how I perform vastus lateralis trigger point release.

What Are These People Doing?

You see these people at the gym all the time. They’re in a sort of painful ecstasy as they “roll out” their ITB. In fact, if you’re an aging athlete your ITBs are likely plenty tight. You have the cross leg and the straight leg torture techniques...

Published by Centeno-Schultz Clinic
Read by Chris Centeno, MD