Rick Lomas was one of the first LRT Certified Professionals and he is working with LinkResearchTools daily to recover websites from a Google Penalty. Listen to this podcast interview with Christoph C. Cemper and Rick Lomas and learn how you can find great new links, pretect your website or recover from a Google Penalty.

Listen to the podcast with Rick Lomas and Christoph C. Cemper

About Rick Lomas
How Rick connects to SEO, link building, and link audits
Why ongoing link audits are important
Link Risk Simulation
Different countries, different SEO
How to find great new link sources
LRT Certified Professional Training
LRT Challenge for the SEOktoberfest 2017
Why and how Rick came to LRT
Controversial Redirects
You can't ignore Google
Misinformation in the market
Why hiding great results?
Google got hit by a penalty
Golden Tip