This month Celluloid Skeletons looks at a huge movie star of the 80s and 90s who has, through his own behaviour, fallen by the wayside a little. That’s right it’s ‘Mad’ Mel Gibson, star of action classics like Mad Max and Lethal Weapon, and Oscar winning director of films like Braveheart and Apocalypto. Join Joe and his guests Rory Drummond and …

This month Celluloid Skeletons looks at a huge movie star of the 80s and 90s who has, through his own behaviour, fallen by the wayside a little. That’s right it’s ‘Mad’ Mel Gibson, star of action classics like Mad Max and Lethal Weapon, and Oscar winning director of films like Braveheart and Apocalypto.

Join Joe and his guests Rory Drummond and Jeff Kennedy as they talk about Gibson’s hugely successful career and skirt delicately around his later notoriety as an angry drunk. Plus, this week’s Celluloid Skeleton is based on a story idea by Bono, and was directed by art-house darling Wim Wenders, what could possibly go wrong? Listen on to found out.

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