#220: Spamdemic

Cellar Door Skeptics take on a variety of topics this week. They start by discussing Bryan Adams ridiculous instagram post that shows his ignorance and racist tendencies. They also cover why people are blaming the Ohio Medical Expert instead of the governor. They examine how the ridicule is focused on women mainly verses being skeptical about the information shared. The next topic they tackle is if doxing has ever deterred white supremacists or if they have gotten a free pass. The end of the show covers the recent short movie called Plandemic and the team debunks the recent garbage that has come across the ethers.

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Debunking Judy
Forbes Science Senior Correspondent for the win against trash Plandemic trash.
"For a truly exhaustive claim-by-claim correction, this Google Doc from fire and emergency management educator Jim Chaffee includes sources to support every correction.
“The anti-vaxx agenda of 'The Plandemic’” at The Big Think describes seven conspiracy theories “baked into” Plandemic.
Politifact has a pretty extensive fact-check on the video’s claims: “Fact-checking ‘Plandemic’: A documentary full of false conspiracy theories about the coronavirus.”
“Why People Cling To Conspiracy Theories Like ‘Plandemic’” from meteorologist Marshall Shepherd at Forbes offers other reasons people are drawn to conspiracy theories.
For the most comprehensive rundown of Mikovits’ history you could ever ask for, see “Judy Mikovits in Plandemic: An antivax conspiracy theorist becomes a COVID-19 grifter” at the Respectful Insolence blog.
Snopes always does a thorough job: “Was a Scientist Jailed After Discovering a Deadly Virus Delivered Through Vaccines?”
Want to know the real story on what happened to Mikovits? Read this Nature piece and this Science piece.
Hanna: https://www.reddit.com/r/happycryingdads/
Tanner: https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-backgrounds
Keith: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene