#160: Does Capitalism Fund Science Research?

Each week the duo tries to bring important topics to the forefront of the conversation. This week they examine some of the proposed bills that are pushing the Democratic Party more progressive. They talk about what this means for the party, and if it is just a wave from this last election or is the party starting to look at other options to help encompass other voters who felt isolated after the 2016 primary.

The Charity of the Week focuses on Wigs for Kids. This amazing charity helps make it possible for children to receive wigs if cancer has helped remove the hair on their heads. This organization has played a big role within Michigan providing over 4000 wigs to children in Michigan.

This episodes in depth analysis segment reviews research funding. Chris squared look into whether Federal Funding has played a bigger role in new technology and advancements or if Capitalism and Big Business are the drivers of where we are at today. They review several papers along with research articles that talk through some of the history as well as the standard for research inside of the US.

The show ends as always with Hanna’s and Tanner’s Infamous Quick Saves of the week.

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Intro Segment: Have the Democrats finally proposing more progressive bills?
Segment Local Charity of the Week: Wigs 4 Kids
Segment: Who Picks Up the Tab for Science
Quick Save Segment:
Tanner: What My Daughter Brought Home
NRA Pamplet from School
Hanna: The Public Domain