#1: Through The Worm Hole/Feel The Bern

Ladies and gentlemen, scientists and agnostics, people of all levels of learning, the day is finally here. This is this inaugural episode of The Cellar Door Skeptics podcast; with an emphasis on finding the most truth while suppressing our own bias, as best we can, we hope to educate and inform our listeners in a fog of heavy metal background music. The show will offer a variety of topics including religion, science, politics, music reviews, cooking, and anything else that falls out of our think tank.

This episode starts with an introduction to the hosts, Christopher Tanner and Chris Hanna, that covers the aspiration and plans for the show as well as the charitable efforts that will be beginning very soon. Next Chris Hanna reviews Fear Factory’s new album Genexus in what is the first of many to come, including changes in genres.

Next the Chris’ talk time travel, time dilation, and if a wormhole is really the magical key to traveling through time. Following the time travel segment we dive into Christopher Tanner’s past belief with an analysis of a “Crazy Bible Verse” and then “Crasy Shit Chris Used to Believe”. We round the show out with a political segment we call “Bernie vs. the World”. Chris Hanna is a full fledged supporter who is feeling the Bern but Chris Tanner is a bit skeptical and we talk Bernie and all the dirt we could find.

Relativity and Time Travel

Neil Degrasse Tyson Interview

The Forever War by Joe Haldeman

Time Travel with a Wormhole

Anti Bernie Articles

Pro Bernie Articles